Friday, October 07, 2005

I need a vacation

I have eighty eight hours of vacation time at work and I want to use them. All of them. But in particular, I want to take at least a weeklong vacation next year on our aniversary, April 10, to Northern Georgia. I also want to visit with my friends, Rob, Karen, Eric and Erin. It would be great to vacation with my friends; I think we should work these things together.

So why Northern Georgia? First of all because I have an appointment in Atlanta on April 11, the day after our aniversary. Second of all, because my family used to always take vacations to the mountains of Northern Georgia, the quaint little "Alpine Village" of Helen in particular. Besides being out in the middle of no where, which is fun in itself, they have some good German food and its been ages since I've had good sausages. In addition, close nearby there is a GA state park Unicoi with a nice hotel/lodge. I think it would be a blast if we could do this with a few friends. Attached is zoomed in sat photo of the Helen/Unicoi area courtesy of Google Earth, which if I havn't already mentioned, is the bomb.

1 comment:

Janelle said...

i like the way you think.