Friday, October 14, 2005

Just like Bruce Lee in a Donkey Manger

Sorry about yesterday's post, I was a little frustrated at the time if you couldn't tell. Seriously though, I rarely get angry like that, and I thought I should put up another post so that it looks like I have gotten on with my life... which I have. So anyway, I guess I could put my current mood at nervous and excited, and by the way, I stole the emotional Data idea from something I saw on Janelle's old yearbook friend, Heather (heat-ray), so it wasn't exactly an original idea. So why am I nervous? I'm officially applying for grad. school today, and I won't be able to get a masters degree if I don't manage to get in.

On the other hand, I am ecstatic that Janelle bought me a few Cocco CD’s and the first one is due in the mail early next week. Yes, Cocco is still my favorite singer/songwriter: I find her lyrics thought provoking (once I understand them), and her vocals are near intoxicating, even if you don’t quite understand the words. I will be getting her compilation two disk set entitled “Cocco’s Best” in a few weeks.

But what sucked was that Cocco retired back when I began officially studying Japanese. I found this quite depressing, but she’s back! And this time she’s the vocalist/songwriter of a band: Singer Songer. AND I’ll have their new CD early next week! Let’s just say that it kicks more ass than Bruce Lee in a donkey manger… ask Eric.

Peace out, and word to your respective mothers!

PS: See? This time Data looks pretty happy.

1 comment:

Philawsopher said...

Excellent. Much better that Bruce Lee be in the donkey manger than a Hoover.