Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Doing Well Considering

Hello everyone, just wanted to chime in and say that I'm recovering slowly but surely from my surgery.

Question of the day: Have you ever Googled yourself? I just gave it a shot and had five hits that were actually me, including an old Japanese Student Association Power Point Presentation I gave three and a half years ago on WFSU's Global Gatherings TV show. Ah memories. On one level I think its neat that I can be found on Google, but it bothers me a little too. That's why as you'll notice, I don't use my name anywhere on my Blog.

Peace out my friends, and word to your respective mothers!

A Post-Post Note: I've got comments working again on my blog, sorry about the inconvenience!


Anonymous said...

yay for comments! I googled myself once. None of them were me. At least not in the first five or six pages of results ... I gave up after that.

Anonymous said...

Last time I googled myself, I showed up on my band's page, and on the Residence life staff page, though I am sure I am no longer on the latter.