Sunday, February 05, 2006

No mo pneumo!

Well it's been a month since I've posted and for good reason. I've been into and out of the hospital. I've got no more Pneumothorax, and though I'm still recovering, I'm feeling pretty well. It still hurts when I breathe really deeply with a yawn or sneeze, but at least I can yawn now. Work's been pretty nice and are allowing me to go in half days as I recover (well technically I could take entire days off, but I'd like to leave a few vacation days for our anniversary in April).

I'm watching Grey's Anatomy right now with Janelle, it seems to be an interesting show... at least an interesting episode. I like watching tv with her, it's pretty fun. We should do this more often, if only there were more quality shows to watch. Well, we do have the tivo-like "Windows Media Center," I guess we could record good shows to watch, we just need to know which ones to record. Any recommendations? I'm currently just recording The Daily Show and The Colbert Report, Futurama and Stargate SG1.

In other news, I'm very interested in watching news from the Middle East with Hamas in power, and Ariel Sharon out of commission. Amazing the stuff that can happen in one month, I wish I'd thought to bring a radio to the hospital so I could have listened to NPR. Or at least have had a newspaper. A real newspaper of course, the local newspaper sucks... as does local tv news (which we're currently watching). Why does local news suck so much?! They just said "the future of hollywood is just down the road". Hurrah, we should stay in Tallahassee for the rest of our lives.

Well it's getting late, I should get to bed. Peace out my friends, and word to your respective mothers!


A Post-Post Note: I almost forgot! I've got a goatee! I was in the hospital for two weeks, and when I got out, I just decided not to shave off the middle. So it turns out I'm the evil Adam from an alternate universe! It's fun, though I don't know how long it will last.


Philawsopher said...

Hmmm... good shows, eh? "Drawn Together" is usually pretty good, although a little obscene and absurd. And thanks again for finding a way that we can all game together, I really appreciate (and enjoy) it. Peace.

KEG said...

Hmm, well if you find Grey's Anatomy interesting, you might also like House (9pm Tuesdays on Fox.) I know, i know, it's Fox, but it is good... And if you don't like that, you can always try to catch Scrubs on NBC at the same time and day.

(Now if only I could clone myself on Tuesdays so I could watch both shows at once!! muah-hahahaha)

KEG said...

I am rescinding my previous comments as the owner of this blog has just told my husband to go "walk me." Bah

No Comments for you!!!

Adam said...

For the record, I was talking to Eric and said that Rob had to go walk with you, not walk you! Rob did mishear it, and I immediately corrected him. Sorry for the confusion, I would never purposefully say that. While Halo can be fun, it's not the most precise method of long distance communication.