Monday, November 28, 2005

I thought I would write; All of my friends a haiku; So I feel like writing

Two interpretations of today's Haiku... IN ENGLISH!

Interpretation #1
Halo can be fun
When I have nothing pressing
But I should right now

Interpretation #2
Halo can be fun
When I have nothing pressing
But I should write now

Ok not quite as multi dimentional as my Japanese Haiku, but wha'cha going to do? I just thought I would say hey to my five or so peeps who read this, and appologize for not writing more (more text/more often). By the by, its good to know that I'm at the top of my form playing Halo 2 when I havn't played for weeks. That's as good a reason as any to play it slightly less! On that note, I'm off to finish a paper I should have finished yesterday.

Is anyone else interested in turn of the century Russo-Japanese relations? I didn't think so. And for the record... writing historiographies suck.

Peace out homeys, and word to your respective mothers!
-Mr. Adam "Saibashi" Bento


Philawsopher said...

Yes, you rocked last night, but that doesn't mean you should play less, unless you have a paper to do. Good luck on the paper! Peace.

Janelle said...

Hi Adam! I don't have a genuine comment about your post, but I know you love getting comments so I thought I would leave you one.
I love you!!!