Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I have a thought that; Haiku is good for you; let's Haiku together

Garth: We're looking down on Wayne's basement. Only that's not Wayne's basement. Isn't that weird?
Wayne: Garth, that was a haiku!

I've never much liked haiku, because well... I've never been good at counting syllables in English. I can't even tell if the above is a haiku. But I had a thought after talking to Rob about haiku, it would be a lot "easier" in Japanese! I mean, Japanese is a syllabic language, and was kinda built for haiku (or the other way around, eh who cares.) In addition, I was reading through the lyrics of a Cocco song the other day, and I realized several double meanings for many of the lyrics I had previously thought I understood, so I thought it would be cool to come up with my own poetry with multiple meanings. So here we go, I'll do it first in Japanese, then give a few possible translations (japanese is pronounced like latin... think spanish if the h's sound like h's):

nicchuu wa
kurushii darou

kyou iru no




Translation 1:
The middle of the day;
It can be rather difficult.
I need a day off

Translation 2:
The middle of the day;
It can be rather difficult.
I'm going back to sleep.

Translation 3:
The middle of the day;
It can be rather difficult.
The day is alive.

Translation 4:
The middle of the day;
It can be rather difficult.
Thus, I set into the day.

Translation 5:
The middle of the day;
It can be rather difficult.
Thus, I enter the sun.

Translation 6:
The middle of the day;
It can be rather difficult.
I'm going to deep fry a meal.

Translation 7:
Sino-Japanese relations
Can be rather tenuous.
They need to take a break.

I will leave you all with a link to the Homestar Runner halloween episode, wherefrom I have created an icon of Teh Cheat dressed as Toad from Super Mario Brothers 2.

Peace out, and word to your respective mothers.


Janelle said...

I like translation #6 ..."I'm going to deep fry a meal."

I love your new Teh Cheat icon. Cutetastic. Meh!

KEG said...

lol, I have to agree. Number 6 is my favorite!! I always deep fry a meal when the middle of the day is difficult... oh wait, I'm not Chris (:

Anonymous said...

You know what I like about Japanese? It's so straightforward...