Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Up-frickin'-date already, would you?

That sentiment is from Rob, and he’s right, it’s been ages since I’ve updated. Luckily I’ve got quite a bit to talk about so I’ll get started.

Luck and Surgery:

- I’m going into be going into surgery Friday, January 13th. Good thing I’m not paraskavedekatriaphobic. I will be getting my Spontaneous Pneumothorax treated, so it does not occur again. Because it has happened so many times (three verified with xrays and numerous other times with just symptoms), they believe that there is a pinhole in my (left) lung which allows air to escape to create an air bubble which forces my left lung to collapse (currently %30!). This procedure will staple the hole shut and glue my left lung to the inner chest wall so it doesn’t happen again. To the best of my knowledge, this has never happened with the right lung.

- Janelle is superstitious… sometimes I really don’t know if it’s to be silly or if she actually believes it. Yes, there’s the Friday the 13th surgery, but seems to bother Janelle more is that I did laundry on New Years Day. Apparently someone at work told her that it’s bad luck (she won’t even tell me who it was… so you know it’s a very reputable source).

- My car broke down yesterday. I had to replace the alternator. So apparently this and the surgery are both due to all those clothes I ironed on New Years Day. I guess I won’t be doing laundry on New Years Day next year.


- I got a 4.0 in all of my grad classes last semester! That means I’m 12 credit hours toward my 30 credit hour degree with a 4.0 GPA! Can I get a what what?

- I officially enrolled in graduate school as an official graduate student this semester. At the current rate, it looks like I’ll be graduating December 2006.

- I enrolled in three classes this semester; the hours for the two required courses hours suck: 12:30-3:15 and 3:35-4:50 on Thursday. It pisses me off that they would set up required courses like that; I’ll be coming early every day of the week and taking shorter lunches this semester to make up for it. I’m really lucky that they like me at work and are allowing me to do this.

- My class schedule is posted here, please do not call me during class!


- Never much time for fun with 40 hours of work plus grad school.

- Rob & Eric have introduced me to D&D, and it’s an addictive concept. I’ve always loved video game RPGs like Final Fantasy, and even more loved board game style video game RPGs like Final Fantasy Tactics, Shining Force and Advance Wars. I’m surprised I’ve gone this long without ever playing it. Eric has started his own campaign, and I love it… we even made character figurines. I would love to start my own campaign, so I have been doing a lot of research on how it works in my free time. Rob has said that my attention to detail would make me a good DM. Towards that end, I’ve even developed a system to play it online using Microsoft Netmeeting. See this link for an example of what the game might look like. Anyone who is nerdy enough to be interested, please send me an email. Plus, I've got a pretty good plot lined up, but you'll have to play hear more!